Plastic folders form solid letters.
Looking for a bathroom at a gas station near the airport, I came across a tiny room with a guy selling prepaid cellphone credits. As this guy is the property administrator with only a few tenants, he apparently has a lot of time on his hands and makes the colorful signs himself.
The guy, giving me a tour of his masterpieces.
For some signs (such as that in the first photo), he uses colorful old plastic folders, which he patiently cuts into letters and tapes onto a surface. He showed me an in-use folder, and even snipped me a sample.
From this folder he cut me a sample, which, unfortunately, I've tossed.
For other signs, he uses promotional stickers from the automobile products at the gasoline station. At this point I thought, boy, yes, he has a lot of time on his hands, and am charmed by his extensive attempts at advertising. I am actually tempted to purchase prepaid credits that I don't need.
From stickers, two-color assembly.
More of the folders, with a mixture of promotional posters.